Tristes Tropiques
In Tristes Tropiques, a new body of work by artist Richard Mosse, we find the documentation of environmental crimes unfolding across Brazil's "arc of fire" through large-scale, vibrant, topographic images. Mosse's work exemplifies "counter-mapping," a term used to describe a form of resistance mapmaking intended to reveal endangered landscapes, and describe human activities that threaten the entire Amazon and our global climate.
Through the medium of multispectral imaging -- used by scientists to detect ecological damage, as well as agribusiness and mineralogy to more profitably exploit the environment -- Mosse presents a series of complex ecological narratives.
Mosse's new body of work Tristes Tropiques will be on view from tomorrow at Jack Shainman Gallery in New York City (through May 15, 2021).
- Interview (April 6, 2021) via The Guardian
- Podcast interview (January 12, 2021) via Monocle
- Incoming reviewed (March, 4, 2017) by frieze
- Incoming reviewed (February 15, 2017) by The Guardian
All photos © Richard Mosse. Courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York.
NASA: Tracking Amazon Deforestation, April 19, 2021.
PBS: How Amazon deforestation could push the climate to a "tipping point", September 4, 2019.
National Gallery of Art Richard Mosse conversation streamed on November 17, 2019.