On a High Note: Get Paid to Reduce Energy

On a High Note: Get Paid to Reduce Energy

Peak demand times for electricity often require extra power plants in a grid to be turned on, and these supplemental plants are often extra polluting. Now, energy companies like DC-area Pepco and independent companies like OhmConnect are offering credits and even cash to incentivize users to switch off during peak hours and seasons.

OhmConnect's customer base of 180,000 households in California, Texas, and Australia receive text reminders to adjust their thermostat or turn off lights during peak energy times. The more they save, the more they are rewarded.

"These little differences, they add up to something really powerful, and so I'm excited about how much each individual can do -- that we do it together," OhmConnect CEO Cisco DeVries told CNN.

CNBC: How The US Can Build A 100% Clean Grid, January 27, 2021.